4. April 19/2023 YouTube email

Hi Steve!
I've been wanting to share this with you ever since i started watching your channel in 2018! 
Go ahead and share my name. It's Tammy Koross. I had a sighting back in 2012. After watching your channel over the years I realize I've had several encounters. Today I want to tell you about what I saw. I have heard 5 stories about the exact same area on your channel. A little town in NC called Sneads Ferry. Camp La June is a marine base located in Jacksonville NC. The back gate goes into Sneads Ferry. I was working at a dog kennel there and it was early morning. I had just let the dogs that were boarding there into some of the playards and people mostly marines were dropping their dogs off for doggie daycare. I had about 30 dogs out in the 4 yards. What caught my attention is all the dogs became silent. If you've ever been around a kennell, this never happens! Then I noticed ALL of the dogs were facing the same direction . They had just cleared about 5 acres of trees the day before to build the Taco Bell and there was fallen trees everywhere. I saw what I thought was a man walking around in all the fallen trees. He seemed to be looking for something on the ground. He was looking down. I noticed how easily he walked through all of the fallen trees. He walked silently and with ease over all that mess. I noticed that his arms were freakishly long.  Long enough to reach his knees. I also noticed he walked kind of funny. I was wondering why he was wearing a fur coat. Then as I stood astonished that it was not a coat but hair! The hair in his arms swung with the movement of them. His color was a reddish brown color that made him blend into the same color of the tree bark on the ground. I would never have noticed him if it wasn't for the dogs. He had long crazy messy hair and a long beard and large black eyes. My mind was completely blown. I was looking at a man beast and I couldn't wrap my head around it. 
When my coworker showed up a few hours later I was trying to explain what I saw. He then told me I saw a Sasquatch. I had heard of them but never believed they existed. I'm originally from Florida. My coworker has lived in Sneads Ferry all of his life. and told me they are everywhere there. Later after work, we went to the bar. My nerves were shot. At the bar, he told everyone I saw a sasquatch. Nobody made fun of me and everyone knew I was shaken. I heard several stories about other peoples encounters. A Lot of marines go to that bar. Camp La June has thousands of acres that will never be developed. Apparently sasquatch sighting are so common on the base that the marines are told not to talk about it. I mean I was told sightings on base are a weekly occurrence. They don't even get freaked out about it. The locals and the marines all know about them. 
I've had several encounters that were around my house. Walking through the woods and hearing other footsteps. Id stop walking and hear one more footstep. During storms I'd look out my back window worried about the pine trees falling on my little mobile home. Sometimes I swear I saw a large man crouching down in the woodline. Sometimes it was a stump I was seeing. Steve, there was no stump in that spot! Also, I had a peach tree. Everytime the peaches were ready for picking, they would all disappear in the middle of the night. I had 3 dogs that would all bark at a mouse fart but my dogs never barked when this would happen. I also had a mean rooster that would crow at anything and everything yet he also remained silent during the night. I always thought deer were getting my peaches. Someone told me I would have found pits around the tree. That there was no way deer were getting all those peaches at the top of the tree. I heard gibberish, what sounded like people talking in a strange language. What sounded like a woman screaming and owl hoots coming from the woodline. I sometimes left my eggs from my chicken coop in a basket by the door. In the morning all the eggs were gone but the basket was untouched. Once when I first moved in, it sounded ike someone went down the side of the trailer with a stick. I called my neighbors to see if they were screwing with me. He came over and told me to keep the dogs in for the rest of the night. He acted very concerned but wouldn't say what had made the noise. Lots of strange things like that. 
I never felt threatened by this creature. I would often walk through the woods even at night. I felt like something in the woods was protecting me.  He never bothered my dogs either. 
Its only after watching your channel that I put this all together. I think these things are like people. Some good some bad. Im just glad that the one by my house was not a bad one. Maybe he didn't bother me because I was inadvertently feeding him. 
Love your channel and never miss a video. The puppy is growing like a weed! I cried about Mr. Macaroni. Im glad  you've given people a place to share. I feel so sad that people are afraid to go back in the woods. As for me, I plan on spending as much time in nature as I can. As for my old mobile home, It was destroyed in 2018 in the hurricane and I now live in a city. Im not real big on city living and cant wait to find a little house in the woods again someday. 
Thank you for everything you do! 
Tammy Koross 

steve isdahl

Steve is a past successful big game hunting guide, ocean sport fishing guide mountain horseman, videographer, photographer and, get this, an app developer! His passion for the outdoors and drive to help people reach their goals while improving their skills lead him to where he is currently.

Helping people speak freely, walk brave and fear nothing. Through sharing knowledge, providing a safe place to speak and never slowing down, Steve inadvertently created a globally popular place for hundreds of thousands of good honest people to come share their experiences and as well soak up much needed first hand knowledge from others.